My next question about Jill’s dress pattern
I’m working on the front
I shaped the shoulders, as I did for the back. Next the pattern says this
"Shape Neck
Note: Neck and armhole shaping will be worked at the same time, please read entire section through before beginning.
Increase row (RS): Increase 1st st each neck edge this row, then every other row 25 times, as follows: On right Front, knit to last 2 sts, M1-R k2, on left Front k2, M1, knit to end, Purl 1 WS row
Join Fronts
Next Row (RS): Work across right Front sts. then left Front sts, breaking second ball of yarn. AT THE SAME TIME, when armholes measure same as for Back from marker to beginning of armhole shaping, shape armholes as for Back, ending with a WS row - 80 sts."
Ok, here’s my questions
- While I am shaping the shoulders for the back, I should just do the wrap turns, and then start the neck shaping. In other words, I don’t knit 6 1/4 inches and then start the next shaping
- I’m a bit confused by where it says the neck and armhole shaping are worked at the same time. Could someone please claify this for me? I read it as I shape the next (doing the increases), then join the fonts.
Thank you so much!