Jacquay Yaxley pattern "Sailor Boy"

I am knnitting a pattern the Sailor Boy pattern by Jacquay Yaxley and I’m stuck in one particular area. I have knitted her other patterns and haven’t had a problem, but this one has me stumped. She says to Tlpy, which I know is basically just how to wrap the stitch for a short row - no problem there. But the next instruction is what is sumping me. Here is what it says: K11, tlpy", then on the next line it says, “and foll 2 alt rows P.” Now you would think that would mean to knit the following 2 rows in purl, but that can’t be right. Any suggestions from anyone? I have tried this the way I think it should go, and that is to k the next k row and p the next purl row, twice. Any help?


Do you have a link to the pattern so that we can get the whole picture? Sometimes there are clues in other steps.:wink:

It would seem to me that you are working the short rows on the knit rows and then purling every other row (alt rows)

K11, tlpy
K11, tlpy

I don’t have a link that would show the pattern, but let me type in what the whole section says. First, I will type what the abbreviations are as stated in the pattern:

Abbreviations: tlpy: this means turn and loop yarn and is worked as folls: “work the number of sts instructed. Turn work so that the other side is facing you with yarn at back. Slip first st on rh ndl to lh ndl, bring yarn towards you between slipped st and sts on rh ndl, slip st back to rh ndl from lh ndl and work back acrosss sts just worked, leaving sts on rh ndl resting and unworked” ([COLOR=“black”][COLOR=“Red”][I]Okay, I know this is just basically describing how to do a wrap and a short row, no problem there)[/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]Now, here is where you start doing these supposed tlpy’s:
(p.s. there are now 33 sts on the needle to begin this part. Note that I am showing the exact way the rows are broken down, and they are not numbered.):

“k11, tlpy.
and foll 2 alt rows P. [COLOR=“Red”]”](HUH???)[/COLOR]
K10, tlpy.
K9, tlpy.
K to end.
P11, tlpy
& foll 2 alt rows K.
P10, tlpy
P9, tlpy
[COLOR=“red”][I]End of this part of instructions.[/I][/COLOR]
I wish I could send you the pattern link, but this is the best I can do. The part I am working on is the shaping for the back of the neck. I am guessing that the short rows make the neck a little shorter than where it will meet the shoulder seam. The basic pattern is done in stockinette (K one row, P one row)

Here is a link to the pattern in question as it looks on the doll. That is a hella cute outfit, BTW.

That link comes up “forbidden”. Is there another one?

It says ‘alt 2 rows’, which is every other row. So it’s not both of the next 2 rows, but the next two WS rows like zkimom wrote out.

I don’t know if this link will work, but this is a picture of the Sailor Boy outfit on Karpstyles website where I bought it quite some time ago. Just getting around to actually knitting it. I have already made “Christening Day” which consists of a dress, slip, pantaloons and bonnet. It is adorable and a lot of work (and fun). Anyway, thanks for the tips. I figured out that they meant to purl every other row, but it just sounds confusing. Why don’t they just say, “continue in pattern for next 4 rows.” That would have made more sense.

I’ve attached a picture of the “Christening Day” outfit on a Sugar Britches baby doll.

Thanks for the suggestions.


I am guessing that Karpstyles doesn’t allow outside linking to its site. I simply googled Jacquay Yaxley and got the sailor boy page.

Just to let everyone know how I solved the problem with the Sailor Boy pattern. Maybe because the pattern was written in Australia, and they have different ways of explaining things, it can be confusing. So, I suddenly figured out that basically what needed to be accomplished was the “grafting” of the front shoulder with the back shoulder. So I decided to totally scrap the pattern directions for this part and, instead, did the Kitchener Stitch! Wow Wow Wow, how much nicer and flatter it came out. I’m not going to rip out the other one (which I did according to the original instructions), but I am sure happy with using the Kitchener Stitch method and now it’s on the the sleeves!

Thanks, Barb

I envy your ability to do that simple stitch. That light will finally click on for me the day after I’m officially declared senile.