Jacket help


That is the style. I have casted and that’s it! Here are the instructions

Yoke: With RS facing, patt over 50 held right front sts, k60 held sleeve sts, k82 held back sts, k60 held sleeve sts, patt over 50) held left front sts = 302 sts. Next row (WS): Work 8 sts in garter st, 286 sts in St st, 8 sts in garter st. Next RS (buttonhole) row: K2, [k2tog, yo, skp] for buttonhole, patt to end. Next row (WS): Work in patt, k1f&b into yo. Work even for 14 rows. Place 10 markers in the 286-st St st section: Marker after 17th st and 9 more markers after every 28th st. Next RS (dec) row: * Work to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, slide marker, skp; rep from * 9 more times, work to end = 20 sts decreased and 282 sts on the needle. Cont in patt, rep dec row every 6th row 3 times, then every 4th row 3 times, then every alt row 2 times = 122 sts. Work 1 row even. Next RS (dec) row: Work decs as established at 2nd, 4th, 7th and 9th marker only = 114 sts. At same time, work one more buttonhole same as before, spaced 28 rows up from first button- hole. Work even until yoke meas 25 cm from joining row, ending with a WS row. Work in garter st for 4 cm and at same time, work last buttonhole on 2nd RS row worked in garter st. Bind off all sts.

You’ve cast on? What do you need to know? Garter stitch is knit every row.
Free patttern
As the pattern is free and anyone can view it there’s no need to post it here. I expect posting that much of the pattern is a copyright violation and it should be edited out.

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It’s from that site indeed. Okay I will edit. I was able to go one by one. I don’t understand the yoke park. Can you assist with understanding it?

Okay I’m not able to delete or edit the post. Hopefully the kids will

I would love to help but I’m not good at this. @salmonmac, @Creations, or someone else can do better for you.

OK, I’ve edited out all but the yoke. Thanks, GG.

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You’re going to join the sleeve held sts to the body sts which are on 3 separate holders, one for the right front, one for the back and one for the left front.
The last rows of the body and sleeves were WS (wrong side) rows. The joining row is a RS row. You can knit from the stitch holders or you can transfer each section to a spare needle as you need that section.
Knit across the 50sts of the right front sts, then continue to knit the 60 sleeve sts, then the 82 back sts, the 60 sleeve sts and finally the left front sts.
On the next row, a WS row knit 8sts, purl 286sts; then knit 8sts.
The next row is a RS row with a buttonhole: knit 2, k2tog, yarn over, sl 1, knit one, pass slipped stitch over then continue in pattern to the end of the row.
The following WS row, continue the pattern as you have been working and when you get to the yarn over, work a knit one front and back into the yarn over.
The pattern continues for the next 14 rows with no buttonhole, just knits and purls.
Once you’ve completed those 14 rows, come back and we can go over the yoke shaping. It’s going to be similar to shaping the top of a hat if you’re familiar with that.