Can anyone explain what “Knit 6 MDS even” means?
It's all Greek to me!
It took me some exploration through searches to find MDS defined as a knitting abbreviation as “make double stitch.” The following link associates MDS with the German Short Rows technique.
Does this fit with the pattern you are following?
Thanks for the quick response. I understand the MDS part but what does the “even” mean after MDS?
What pattern are you using?
Can you share a link?
Generally speaking work even means to work in pattern with no increases or decreases for the given number of rows.
What is the name of your pattern?
Is it possibly (and this is really weird) written in lower case: rnds (r n d s) which looks like mds (m d s)? Then it would translate to: knit 6 rounds even or knit 6 rounds without increases or decreases.
YOU ARE A GENIUS!!! Now that I look at it more closely is does indeed say r nds! Thank you sooo much!
Ah, @salmonmac points out the similarly of rnds looking like mds.
I now see the glaring opposition of short rows versus working even.
I have glasses for my old eyes. What can help with my missed second sentence observation?
A) Knitting Help forum
SMH @OffJumpsJack
You did better than me. I couldn’t be sure what was being asked. I got it wrong too.