ISO Legwarmers and Armwarmer patterns

I am looking for good patterns of varying difficulty levels for leg and arm warmers. My DD wants some quite badly. Hopefully some of the patters will be free ones, until we know she will actually wear them. LOL the mind of a 15yo can change at the drop of a hat. Although I might like a nice pair of armwarmers for myself for knitting and crocheting, for some reason if I don’t have a tight sleeve on I manage to get my needles caught up in my sleeves.:teehee: I know its funny.

You will find many at the following sites.
Leg warmers
also do a search here for Armwarmers,
Several armwarmers among the gloves & mittens, here
search here, both one word & two, legwarmers, leg warmers, armwarmers, arm warmers.
results with each.