ISO ascot or scarf pattern for fashionable male

So my uncle’s birthday is tomorrow, but he’s coming to visit from Seattle next weekend. I’d like to knit him something before he gets here (I know I’m last minute on this, just didn’t realize it’s already August until today!!!)

He loves orange, is fashionable, late 50s, skinny, gay, wonderful, trendy, lawyer etc. I don’t want something too masculine, but not too feminine either. I’ve looked around at some ascots and scarves but can’t really find anything fitting.

I’ll be making whatever it is in orange no matter what since it’s his absolute favorite color, but any recommendations or pattern ideas etc would be so very much appreciated!

Happy Birthday to your uncle!
Here’s one pattern that might work. Maybe more knitting than you’d like however. See especially the last photo on the project page.


I love that pattern @salmonmac posted. It’s super sophisticated and trendy.
I love how it pleats up so well around the neck, so stylish, and that it can go over the head too, some men wear scarves or shawls this way and I think it looks fabulous.

I would have responded sooner, but my computer had trouble connecting to the forums!

It is absolutely perfect @salmonmac!! It is exactly what I was looking for and totally worth the six bucks :slight_smile: I’ve already started making it - I will post pics when I’m done! Thank you thank you :smiley:


Wonderful! Can’t wait to see the photos.

So I haven’t blocked it yet, and I’m not 100% sure I will… (Yes, that was quite a bit of knitting!) I’m also not fashion savvy and I’m sure he’ll be able to sport it way better than me. I also don’t like garter stitch personally but still like how it turned out! !!

This was the “medium sized” pattern, but I made it on size 8 needles with DK weight simply soft yarn, so I think if I did it was smaller needles/yarn it would have come out better. Pattern says you can use whatever so I just used my normal gauge. If I make it again, I’ll do smaller though


Excellent! You’ve done such a great job with this scarf. Garter stitch isn’t everyone’s favorite stitch but it can be beautiful when it’s as well done as this.

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Congratulations on a really lovely gift; you should be proud of yourself!

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Well… I lied. I’m not happy with it at all :sob:

I’ve decided to redo it with some adjustments. Brown instead of red, smaller gauge with no extra increase on the wrong side… And also garter for the border, and stockinette for the body. Stay tuned for my attempt to fix it lol… :smiley:

And Thank you all for the support… he is in my top five favorite people of all time, so I want it to be spectacular, not passable.

Oh, and also, I’ve looked over the pattern again, and it was absolutely my fault for not seeing the needle sizes - they were under gauge, not materials… I’m a goof lol.

You made it so neatly, I can’t imagine frogging all that work and starting again!

However, I think your plan of smaller needles and putting brown with orange is also a brilliant plan.
I like the thin stripes in the one salmonmac posted above, perhaps you could do thin orange and brown stripes plus the wide orange band?

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I thought about the stripes but I figured I would keep it simple since I mucked it up the first time lol

Attempt #2!! And I finished it before he left!


Well done. Re-knitting is impressive, real dedication.

Well done!

Thank you! And thank you again for the pattern salmonmac :smiley:

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