Is this sleeve pattern wrong?

Hi there! I’m very new to knitting however I’ve nearly finished my first project, a jumper!
I am wondering if the pattern itself is wrong as I’m doing the rows and the stithces dont match up on the sleeves. They did with the front and back of the jumper yet this part of the pattern just seems wrong.

I feel like it should be left raindrop stitch, left leaning cable, centre, right leaning cable, right raindrop stitch.

I’ve attached the pictures of the pattern and what the finished jumper will look like!

Thank you :)!


Welcome to KH!
Yes, there’s clearly something wrong in the sequence of sts and cables in the sleeve rows. The wrong side rows shift the pattern from right raindrop to left raindrop and vice versa. Same goes for the smaller cables.

Row 1 : K2, work Right Raindrop Stitch over 8[12, 12, 16, 16, 20, 20, 24, 24] sts, p1, k1, work Right Leaning Cable, work Center Cable, work Left Leaning Cable, k1, p1, work Left Raindrop Stitch over 8[12, 12, 16, 16, 20, 20, 24, 24] sts, k2.

Row 2 : P2, work Left Raindrop Stitch over 8[12, 12, 16, 16, 20, 20, 24, 24] sts, k1, p1, work Left Leaning Cable, work Center Cable, work Right Leaning Cable, p1, k1, work Right Raindrop Stitch over 8[12, 12, 16, 16, 20, 20, 24, 24] sts, p2.

I’ve planned to make this myself. Thanks for the heads up. I certainly admire you for taking on this far-from-beginner sweater.

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This is your very first ever knitting project? I have to admire your self confidence! And kudos on having the foresight to ask questions before you finish something, hoping it will “all sort itself in the end.” That rarely happens. Salmonmac has given you the best answer, so I won’t add to that. I just want to welcome you to the forum and encourage you in your work.

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What an amazing and difficult pattern to take on for your first project! AND you spotted an error in the pattern - double amazing.

Cheering you on. Hope you’ll post a pic when you finish.

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Ohh, thank you! Not so much confidence, more: I’ve decided im doing this and that’s that :rofl:
Appreciate the encouragement, I’m going to need it for the last stint!

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It is a little tricky but nothing a few hours on youtube can’t fix!

I certainly will, hoping for it to be finish for valentines day for my partner :slight_smile:


Thank you thank you so much! I was sure it was wrong but he’s altered the pattern a few times. I’d messaged a few times and felt a bit out of my depth asking if the pattern was wrong as I’m so new to it.
I’m sure you’ll knit the jumper faster than i can! :rofl:

I’m glad you’re not discouraged by this encounter on your first sweater. I’ve messaged the designer too and we’ll see if we get a response.
I’m a fairly slow knitter. Speed seems over-rated since it’s all knitting anyway. I hope your next pattern is just as adventurous but not as fraught!

As long as the stitches are right, I’m happy. Going too fast hurts my brain!

Oh yes, the next project is a big one 🥲

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Where confidence is lacking, tenacity will suffice. Knitting is not a race. It’s a journey. Sometimes journeys take a few twists and turns before one reaches the destination. Sometimes it becomes necessary to stop and ask for directions along the way, like when the GPS insists there’s a road where nothing but a field exists. But if we do it right, we learn a few things along the way, especially when things seem to go sideways. You’ll be ok.