This doesn’t make since. It says every row 13 is the cable. Shouldn’t the cable go on every row when you get to it?
So for row 14 and all even rows, I would do k6, 6/6 RC, K6
and all odd rows would be k2, p4, 6/6 RC, p4, k2?
This doesn’t make since. It says every row 13 is the cable. Shouldn’t the cable go on every row when you get to it?
So for row 14 and all even rows, I would do k6, 6/6 RC, K6
and all odd rows would be k2, p4, 6/6 RC, p4, k2?
It should be right…once you try the cable you will see how the pattern comes together…you are right row 14 and all even would be worked that way except row 18…:happydance:
Which is right, what I wrote or the pattern, because, if I do what the pattern says, there is going to be 17 rows without a cable in it. It will be a broken cable.
You don’t cable on every row, it would be a twisted mess. Rows 14 and 18 are WS rows, the cables are always done on RS rows Cable patterns have several rows of knit / purl stitches like ribbing between the crossovers. Just follow the pattern as written.
Once you work 1-18…then you repeat, this is the pattern the 18 rows…with the cable being worked on the 13th row…so there isn’t going to be a break in the cable…once you get a couple of repeats down you will see how the cable is working out…where it’s being knit on larger needles the cable can have more rows in between it…
Okay, I will follow as you both said. Thank you.
Okay, looking at it, I understand what your saying.
I did see that, it’s beautiful. That is actually what I’m trying to do:)
I’m starting over today, messed up yesterday and could not fix it.