I’m doing a pattern that designates right and wrong side knitting. I’m knitting with circular knitting needles and I knit Continental style. I am super confused about this. Thanks
Is there a right side and wrong side in Continental Style?
What pattern are you using? Knitting is knitting no matter what style you use. For stockinette the RS is always the knit side.
Sorry about that,(new knitter here), I didn’t know if that made any difference.
Welcome to the forum. I see you’re new here and I didn’t realize before. Thank you for the link. It really is helpful.
The pattern is lovely and I applaud you as a new knitter for doing something a bit challenging. When you’re done you’ll have learned so much. Unless it’s a reversible pattern that looks the same on both sides (garter stitch for example) all knitting has a RS and a WS. Sometimes which one is the RS depends on the knitter’s preference or some feature in the pattern. Stockinette has the knit side as the right side. Turn it over and you’re looking at reverse stockinette and that can be the RS for some patterns. In this cable pattern the stitches on either side of the diamond on the RS are reverse stockinette and look like stockinette on the WS. Your knitting style won’t make a difference on which side of the work is the RS. You can use a marker on the RS to be sure you’ve got it right. You might want the marker on the needle at first then might put a marker of some sort in the fabric itself as you progress. If your pattern says row 1 is the RS put a marker after the first stitch or two on row 1. When you begin a row with the marker you’ll know you’re on a RS row. I hope this helps. Be sure to let us know if it doesn’t so someone else can explain things differently and if it does be sure to ask if/when you have another question. There’s always someone to offer help here and usually pretty quickly. Happy knitting!
Are you OK with this now?
The right side of your fabric will be the side with the cable patterns. All your stitch patterns will show on this side.
Although you are using circular needles you will be making the fabric flat, ie working a right side then turning at the end of the row and working a wrong side.
It is a very attractive an detailed cable panel you’ve chosen.
Thank you! Everything is making more sense as I go along. So far so good!
That’s great news!