Introducing my self

Hi, I’m new here. My name is Christy. I just started knitting a little overa year ago when I was diagnosed with RA. I’ve quickly fallen in love with knitting and can’t stop finding so many projects that I want to do. I’ll never get them all done. I look forward to getting to “know” everyone and learning new things.


Welcome to Knitting Help Christy!!! It’s awesome here. I joined not to far back, and it’s pretty addicting, as you can see from my post count. :teehee:

:waving: Hiya!

Welcome, Christy! You aren’t alone, I would need to live to 250 to knit all the stuff I have on my list. :roflhard:

Hi! :waving:

““Welcome, Christy! You aren’t alone, I would need to live to 250 to knit all the stuff I have on my list.””

I know, Jan-- I look at my stash and think, “now, how many things do I have to knit a year to use all of this up in a reasonable life span?”. . .and if I don’t, my will is going to look mighty interesting:) .

And welcome aboard, Christy!:hug:

:grphug: Thanks, ladies! I’m hoping I’ll get as addicted to this site as I am to other sites.

Tell me about it!!

Welcome Christy…I wouldnt be able to knit without the help of everyone here. It’s a great place.

Welcome aboard and I warn you, this is an addictive place, along with knitting. You will enjoy everyone, I am certain. :thumbsup:

Howdy! Welcome to KH.

Welcome! :slight_smile:

Only 250?? Wow Jan = you’re GOOD!! :notworthy:

Welcome Christy! You’ll love it here! KH is the best!! And I think we’re all in the same boat as far as all the projects we want to do. I hope I can take my knitting with me when I go! LOL

If they won’t let you take your knitting with you, then just refuse to go…:teehee:

:roflhard: I like the way you think!

Welcome! :knitting:

Hi there! Look forward to seeing you around. :waving:

Welcome, Christy!

Sorry to hear you were diagnosed with RA. I was also diagnosed just recently, within the last few months. I don’t think I’ll ever let it stop me from knitting though :wink: I may not be able to do my job (I’m a medical transcriptionist and must type a LOT) and can’t do much else, but I WILL knit. lol

Hi Christy,
these people have helped me so much with my knitting. I have only been knitting a little over a year also. You will fast become addicted to this sight and the videos are great!

Hi Christy. I just joined this site a few days ago but I am lready addicted to it and you will be too!