I have been trying to join. Having a hard time
Introduce yourself
I am recently widowed. And knitting has helped with my sanity. I’m 75, and was married for over 50 years. I love crafts, horseback riding and dogs. We have 10 horses. Mostly Rocky Mountain, and several dogs.
Hello Barbara, welcome.
I have been a member of another knitting forum for several years but due to new ownership the site is no longer user friendly.
I live in Southern California and have been knitting for about 12 years.
I too have moved from another knitting site as it is not user friendly.
I am from Scotland,
Welcome Mattiecat and Marg123!
We’re glad to have you both on the forum from Southern California and Scotland. We were just reflecting on the fact that forum members are from all over the world. You never know where the comments, help or advice will come from.
Thanks for joining us.
Gosh 3 newbies all in one go. Its like a party in here.
Welcome all.
Sorry to hear of your loss Barbara, 50 years is a marvelously, one time. Knitting can be so meditative I’m sure it helps many of us through tough times.
I’m sure you’ll all find this site very helpful and friendly. I joined over a year ago and love it.
I just found out about this forum this morning. I know I’ll learn allot, there’s always so much to learn. Glad to meet others who knit and crochet.
Barbara3, Mattiecat, and Marg123,
This forum is the best; I have been welcomed into this community for more than 6 years now and I not only love reading tips and such each day before work, but the people here ALWAYS have answers and if they don’t, they direct you to where you can find answers. So, that’s a long way to say “welcome” and enjoy the help and the camaraderie.
Hello and welcome, everyone! @Barbara3, I adore horses, do you have any silver dapples in your herd?
We have mostly Rockies. We have 2 chocolate roans, 3 chocolates, 2 palomino, a black and white spotted. And a Grey. I don’t think I forgot any…the 2 chocolate
Roans r mother and son. The son was my husband’s beautiful stallion. He is shown and used for stud service. He is kept at a friend’s now, nut I will never sell him. He was my husband’s heart horse
They sound beautiful!
Hi Barbara. Sorry for your loss. And welcome to this beautiful site. Take care of yourself sweetheart