Interpreting simple directions

I really hate the way they word the directions. I don’t think they put enough info to be clear. My question is about this sentence

Bind off 1 st at beg of next 2 rows,
dec 1 st at both ends of next,
then ev foll 3 rows 2 times.

Does the last sentence mean I repeat the second line 2 times every 3 rows? Or does the third line mean I repeat the 1st AND second lines 2 times every 3 rows? …or something else?

Thanks so much.

One more thing about the directions not being clear… These are supposed to be simple directions. I have started 3 “simple” projects and quit them all because I was intimidated with the directions. Sometimes you can take the directions 2 or 3 different ways and I don’t know enough about what I’m doing to just try them and know which way is the way it’s supposed to be. Is there any way to learn how directions are worded or it’s all a shot in the dark until you’ve knitted for years? This is very frustrating to me.

What are you making? Did you get your pattern online? if so do you have a link?

I usually have to look at the pictures provided and if it is a garment, the measurements of the piece I’m working on to determine directions that are ‘fuzzy’

It sounds to me that you repeat the 2nd row, every 3rd row you knit - 2 more times. But not knowing what you are knitting - I can’t say for sure.


they can be ambiguous sometimes but sometiems when you read them in context it mkes more sense. Can you post a link to the pattern or include a little more of it so we cn get a better sense?

I would actually interpret it as
bind off 1 stitch at beggining of the next two rows
decrease one stitch at both ends for 1 row.
bind off 1 stitch at beggining of the next two rows
decrease one stitch at both ends for 1 row.

Yes, repeat only the 2nd row on the 3rd row. The `then’ includes it as a continuation of " dec 1 st at both ends of next". At least I think it does… How many sts do you end up with? Than can help you figure out just how to get there.

Another way to look at this section:

row 1 - bind off 1 st at the beginning of the row
row 2 - bind off 1 st at the beginning of the row

row 3 - decrease 1 st at the beginning and end of this row
row 4 - knit even
row 5 - knit even

row 6 - decrease 1 st at the beginning and end of this row
row 7 - knit even
row 9 - knit even
row 9 - decrease 1 st at each end of the row

BTW, when you do the decreases, do then one stitch in from each end, not in the first and last stitches. You’ll get a much neater edge.

Thanks for the answers. Here is a little info anyways just in case…

I hope the photos post on here. I’ve never done this before.
(Directions in question at beginning of third photo)
Also, I’m doing it in blue and leaving the eyeballs out. ha ha ha. I guess he would be a smurf if I did the eyes. LOL.

suzueeq - 52 - Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m glad somebody’s a genius. lol. I wish I could wrap my head around how to do what you’re saying. ha ha.


Holy cow. I think I figured it out. You know, I would have never thought to solve the complication in this way. I guess that’s why it says 52 st rem. duh! ha ha. Well, thanks for pointing that out. That piece of info might help me a whole lot in all my knitting. I wonder if they always say how many st are rem when the instructions get weird. Thanks so much !!!

I wonder if they always say how many st are rem

No, you won’t always have that info.


A lot of patterns will tell you how many sts you should have after increasing or decreasing, but not all of them. It does help.