Interpretation of an instruction

I need some insight please. I am doing the February Lady Sweater and I have come to a part that I need some help interpreting. The pattern says the following:

“[I]Work at least 3 more rows in garter stitch, [B]ending with wrong-side row.[/B][/I]”

Does that mean that the last row that I finish with should be the WS row that I just knit? or would it be where the next row that I would start would be a WS row and I just finished a RS row?
Anything would help! Greatly!
Thanks, :aww:

Your first idea is the correct one, the last row worked will be the wrong side. Technically though garter stitch does not have a right or wrong side (both sides look the same) unlike stockinette (stocking) stitch which generally has the preferred knit side as the right side. The rest of your project will most likely have a right and wrong side so the stated “wrong side” is really for that part of the pattern.

Does that mean that the last row that I finish with should be the WS row that I just knit?

That’s it!

Thanks Ya’ll. That’s what I thought it was, but I was having a brain burp for some reason!