Innovation knitting machine question

I watched the video (copied right at the point it shows it)…;;

you see her crank it all the way 1 way then all the way the other

but in a seperate video i saw a women holding the yarn and skipping 4 needles everytime she hit the edge

Which method do i do for scarves?? I would rather do the first video from commerical but would that be a bad idea or no??

also how many stiches cause 40 or so makes the scarf 17inchs wide

is that 2 much

Hi and welcome! I couldn’t get your link to work but here’s one that shows the machine. I don’t have the machine but you could just try both methods yourself and see how it goes. The advantage of trying it out is that you’ll be making a gauge swatch at the same time. That’ll give you an idea of how many stitches per inch your yarn gives and then you can figure out how many sts to cast on for whatever width scarf. Watch out for curling edges on the scarf if you work back and forth, however. One of the advantages of knitting a tube is that you avoid this problem.

ok 1: that video you linked is the same as mine expect i copied it at a later time.

2: i have tried doing the line knitting and its caused issues

3: if i do the line its 40 stiches i beilve and it is like 17inches wide then.

4: i know it curls is there a way to prevent that or no?

5: i dont think its possible to do a tube scarf knitting on this machine (im 50% sure)

Usually the cure for curling is to add a border in garter or seed stitch to the edges. I’m not sure how much you can vary the pattern with this machine. An alternative might be to work back and forth and then seam the scarf the long way. That would make a tube and essentailly prevent curling.

how about awnsering the question of…



She did try to help you by giving you basic info for a scarf. I couldn’t add anymore myself. Unless someone owns the machine that’s probably all we can tell you. :shrug:

making a tube with the round option
wont make a scarf that just makes 1 super long collar

Also I am trying to figure out how to make a scarf before xmas…

I can knitt a full hat in a hour but i cant figure out a scarf to save my life.

Unfortunately I don’t have the machine and don’t have a clue how to set it up. You can knit a scarf in a tube… it makes a warm cushy scarf. It also won’t curl which is a bonus. So basically if you make a hat, but keep going and bind off so it’s not gathered it would be good for a scarf. That’s about all I can tell you.

if i do it like a hat and stuff

were going to get a 6 foot long collar looking thing so tell me how that helps please…

thats why im trying to do the scarf on flat panel AND NO ONES ANSWERING THE QUESTION (Or at least who owns the product who can help…)

Bubba, most of the people on this forum hand knit, so unless someone owns and uses a knitting machine–[U]the exact machine[/U] you’re talking about–we can only give you general directions.

I assume you’ve tried contacting the manufacturer, asking questions under the videos on YouTube, and looking for machine knitting forums? If you’ve tried all these methods, then your best bet may be to try both methods in the video and see if either will work for what you want.

If that advice is frustrating to you, then I’m sorry, but very few people here machine knit, meaning it’s uncharted territory for the majority of us!

I know you’re in a hurry, but you need to be [B]patient and polite[/B]. We are doing the best we can. Very few people here use machines, if any, and they may not be the same one.

If you knit a long tube you still wear it around your neck like a scarf. You don’t put it over your head like a collar. These links are hand knit tubes, but you can see what I mean, they are wrapped the same as a scarf knit flat.

Antraes: I cant contact manufacture cause I cant find them.

Jan in CA: How come those circular tube knits look like flat pannels?

Because they are a knit tube they fold nicely and they are completely reversible. Think of a hat…you can lay it flat, but it’s still a tube. You can flip it over and it looks the same. They really make a lovely scarf. If you don’t want it as wide as a hat try making the tube smaller. Not sure how you do that, but since you know how to make a hat you can probably figure it out. Like cast on less stitches or start with fewer. You may have to experiment a little.

Well im going to try doing a round pannel at about 3.5feet (childs size) and then try some ideas out maybe they will work or maybe they wont who knows

P.s. find enclosed in my post a pic of my FIRST EVER KNITTED HAT!!!

That is a beautiful hat!!:yay: Post a pic of your scarf when you are in progress or get it done!

a little big but oh well
im giving it to my sister and knitting 1 for her girlfreind and 3 kids

It may not be a video game or a new car like they want but at least I can give themsomething from my hands esspiclly cause my hands are slowly but painfully becoming useless lol

Sounds like great gifts and I’m sure they’ll love them. :thumbsup:

Yeah well heres a spreadsheet of how many of what im doing (heres pics of the yarn 2 i got (i wont post as pic pictures maybe or i will idk il see how it looks first)

Also 1 of the people im gifting these 2 a thrift shop couple there giving me free yarn for life as long as i keep knitting

Wow…that’s amazing and I wish you luck! No way I could do all that! And Free yarn! That is awesome!

I mean it probally wont be best qualty yarn but its something.

I will TRY my best with a scarf soon and Il post a pic when i get more then 3/4s done or so.

question is do i cast off then fringe or fringe then cast off