Hi! I am working on the sleeves for the Love craft bubble stitch cardigan and am having a lot of trouble with staying in pattern with the increases.
I understand that the stitches that make up the pattern need to stay making the pattern throughout to keep the pattern correct. I have attached a picture of me attempting to do that but it has left me with large areas of no pattern at each end of the work.
I am increasing at each end of the row that is increasing.
These are the two pattern stitches:
row 6 (rs) using B K3 K4 below
*K3, K4 below, rep from * to last 3 sts, K3
row 12 (rs) using A K2,
K4 below, *K3, K4 below, rep from * to last 2 sts
I have also drawn it out to try make sense but currently the way I have done it in the photo is the only way it fits the pattern for me, so I am probably missing something!
I hope this makes sense!