Increasing and decreasing Kim Hargreaves pattern

I am new here but I have already many helpful things.
I have been knitting for many years and lately I have bought some books from Kim Hargreaves and I have noticed that she has her own knittin language.
I have a some questions about the following.
I have 54 stitches and than it says continu in pattern as now set, shaping sides by inc 1 st at each end of next and 2 (2:2:2:4:4) foll 12th (12th:12th:12th:8th:8th) taking inc st into rev st st. 60 (62:64:66:70:72)
I think I have to increase in the following row and after 2 again and than 12 rows later. That will be in total 6 st more.
So row 1 inc
Row 2 incr
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5 and 6 inc each end 1 st
Row 19 and 20 inc each end 1 st
Am I reading correct?
The following I do not understand
taking inc st into rev st

The next part I also do not understand everything.
2) I have 60 st
Dec st at each end of next 3 rows then on ever foll alt row until 42 st rem, then on foll 5 rows, ending with a ws row, cast of 32 st

I read next 3 rows the until there are 42 st rem, so I see it that 9 rows I dec each row 1 st, then after 5 rows each end 1 st dec, do I have to do that each 5th row so totally 25 rows than I have dec 10 st or 5 rows after eachother 1 st dec at each end. I think the last but I am not certain.

Hope someone can explain.
Already many thanks for your help

Welcome to the forum!
Yes, there’s some standardization of patterns but you can almost always find a designer’s voice in the patterns.
If you call the next row, row 1, increases are on rows 1, 13 and 25. Increase at each end so that’s 6sts increased taking you to 60sts.
I don’t know whether the decreases follow directly from the increases but in case they don’t the next 3 rows are numbered independently. Decrease on rows 1,2,3 then rows 5,7,9,11,13,15 then on rows 16,17,18,19 and 20. That’s also decreases at each end of the row so you’ll be down to 32sts.

The pattern stitch for the increases is reverse stockenette stitch. That’s the V knit side (WS) facing away from you and the purl bump side facing on the RS or public side of the knitting.

What is the name of the Kim Hargreaves pattern?

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Thanks soo much that clarifies it much better. The pattern is Hue.


Gorgeous! I hope we get to see a photo when you finish.

Sorry to bother you again, as I do not know if I am counting correctly what you ar writing but
you write the following
Decrease on rows 1,2,3 then rows 5,7,9,11,13,15 then on rows 16,17,18,19 and 20. That’s also decreases at each end of the row so you’ll be down to 32sts.
If I decrease at each end I am dec more than 20 st or not? I end up with my calculations at 14 times that makes on each side 1 dec a total of 28 dec st. I was just writing out my pattern and I noticed this. I can do it in a lot of ways that is not the issue but I want to learn too of each “pattern language”
I have added a copy of the page, maybe that helps.


Yes, you’re decreasing more than 20sts. You’re calculations are correct: 14 decrease rows for 28sts decreased. You start with 60sts minus 28 leaves you with 32sts.

This is no bother. The more you ask, the easier it will be to understand this and future patterns.

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Of course thanks. The last row to dec is 20 and that was what stuck sorry. 60 minus 32 is 28 st. Sometimes my head is too chaotic therefore I always write out the pattern otherwise I get lost.
As you do not mind my questions, which I really apreciate. Am I correct to read second picture the inc after joyning strand A en B, that inc are in the 3th than after 12 rows and than last ones after 14 rows. It is true if I understand this one correctly I will be able to understand the other patterns of her. Santa brought me 3 magazines so lots of fun left.

Yes, that’s correct. Increase on the 3rd, then the 12th and then the 14th after that. So it would be row 3, 15 and 29 if you’re making a chart.
It does help with so many increases, decreases and yarn changes to write out the pattern or keep a chart or whatever makes the most sense to you. So nice to have these magazines with lots of knitting fun to look forward to!

Thanks!! I will show you when it is fineshed.

Just beautiful. Here it is on Rowan for those of us not on Ravelry.

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Finally finshed thanks.


Stunningly beautiful! You’ve knit this sweater so well. Enjoy every minute wearing it.


Wow! That’s amazing! Well done!!!

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So beautiful. Love the colors!

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Dear all,

I have another pattern with decreases I am not certain about and hope you can help me again.

Shape armholes it says, you have 119 stitches and you have to end up with 111. Total 9 each side. This by decr 1 st each next 5 rows, than on foll 3 alt rows, this part I get confused, but I hope Iunderstand correct, it should be row 6 8 and 10 and than row 14. Am I correct?

There should be one more row worked after the first 5 rows and before you start the first alternate row decrease. So a slight adjustment. Decrease at each end on rows 1,2,3,4,5 then rows 7,9,11 and finally row 15. That’ll take you from 119 to 101 sts.

Perfect thanks again. As soon as I get home I will adjust.
Have a great evening

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