Increases working on yoke in German short rows

Working on Isabell Kraemer’s Gretchen. The yolk pattern is worked in Herman short rows. There are 5 markers - 2 for each sleeve and 1 center back where cast bbn on was joined. In doing increases the pattern states “knit to next marker” and sometimes says “knit purl to one stitch before next raglan marker”. My question is does the “to next marker” ever refer to the center back one? I have been passing this one and gone on th o the next raglan marker. Don’t remember using that marker in German short rows. Would appreciate clarification.

It’s very likely that the increases are at the raglan markers and not the bor marker. You’re undoubtedly correct to ignore the bor marker when working the increases in the yoke.

Thanks very much.

The “to next marker” in Isabell Kraemer’s Gretchen pattern refers to the sleeve markers or raglan markers, not the center back marker. You can skip the center back marker when doing German short rows.