I’m knitting a sweater back that has a rib and a sort of mini cable/twist pattern (see http://www.vintagepurls.net.nz/Downloads/NeedleworkIllustrated194.pdf).
The directions say I need to gradually increase the number of stitches from 133 to 153 by increasing one stitch each end of every 6th row. My question is: should the increase stitches continue the pattern (with its ribbing and mini cables)? For example, if the row pattern is K3, p2, k1, k into 2nd st. from the front, k into first st. and slip both sts. off together, p2, k3, would the increase in the first row (at either end) be done in a purl stitch? I’m not so worried about continuing a rib pattern but I don’t know how to handle the cable or twist section. Any help is much appreciated!
Increased Stitches to a Twisted Pattern
Increase the cable stitches in stockinette until you have enough stitches to make the cable, then start working those stitches in the cable pattern.
For the rib, you can just increase at each end and then work them in whatever the ribbing calls for.