Increase with K1 yo

Hi there
I’m knitting a frill for a seahorse. The pattern is *(k1, yo) seven times, k7; rep from * to last 7 sts, (yo, K1) seven times.

I’ve googled lots and I can’t work out if I k1,yo into the next 7 stitches then knit 7. Or do I k1, yo into one stitch 7 times then knit 7.

It’s not a lace pattern just wavy. HELP! It’s the last piece to finish this project!


(K1, yo) seven times is:
K1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1 yo, k1, yo
(I do hope I’ve put 7 repeats there!)
The yo does not go into a stitch and it does not use up a stitch. After the k1 your yarn is behind the fabric, you bring the yarn between the needles as though to purl and over the needle to the back. This places a strand of yarnmover the needle. That’s all. When you do the next k1 it secures this strand in place.
To be honest when I do it I bring the yarn between the needles as though to purl and I eave it there until I perform the knit stutch. Performing the knit stitch draw the yarn over the top of the needle anyway, exactly the same but for me I find holding and tensioning easier this way.

*(K1, yo) 7 times is as above
Then k7
Then repeat from *

The last 7 stitches are (yo, k1) seven times.

Does this help?

For video tutorials I suggest just looking at k1, yo or how to yarn over, or we could find you one.

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Thank you! I will try this again.

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I think it will produce a little eyelet where the yarn overs are, but by doubling the number of stitches for 7 (making 14) and then not doubling but knitting 7 straight, and so on, I can imagine it forcing the fabric into a wave or frill.

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