Increase in Sleeves

Could anybody understand the meaning of “Rep last 8 rows 4 times more. 66 sts. Does it means work another 7 rows, and at the 8th, add 8 sts more( 4 at each side)? I worked 56 sts 7 rows and the 8th inc 2 sts to 58 sts at last step.

Welcome to the forum!
You’re to repeat the sequence of 7 rows with no increase and then on the 8th row, increase one stitch at the beginning of the row and one at the end. The increase row will look like the very first row [Next Row (RS inc)] in your photo, 2 increases per increase row. The increases are worked as a Make 1, one stitch in from each end of the row.
If you call the first row of the 4 repeats, row 1 then you’ll increase on rows 8,16,24 and 32. That’ll take you to 66sts.

Thanks a lot for your help. It’s my first time knitting the sweater. I’m unlocking the knitting languages step by step. Hopefully I could finish it. :grinning:

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Oh good for you to venture into sweaters and a new language at the same time. Have fun with the sweater and post a photo when you finish. We love to see finished projects!

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Thank you. I would be glad to show you. :slightly_smiling_face: