Increase in next stitch not specified - help!

Hi all,

I’m knitting a raglan sweater and in knitting the sleeves the pattern several times says to “ next st”, but it doesn’t specify M1 or KFB.

I’ve included part of the pattern in an image below. It also doesn’t say anything extra in the abbreviations section. What type of increase should I be using?

Thanks very much!!

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-16 at 13.12.03

KGB will be fine in this row. This is the transition between the rib section and the stockinette section, the rib will necessarily go off pattern for each increase stitch but don’t worry, after making the increase look at next stitch on the left needle, if it presents as a knit then knit it, if it presents as a purl then purl it.

Hope this helps

Thank you so much! So for the transition row from rib to stockinette I’ll use KFB, and then what about increases at each end of the needle on the 5th and every following 6th row after that while I’m in stockinette doing the main sleeve part?

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I find it’s best to not increase in the first or last stitch of the row. It’s better to move the increase to the second or third stitch. Your edge will be much neater and if you’re going to seam, seaming will be much, much easier. You can use kfb or another increase you prefer. I find lifted increases are less noticeable and easier than the m1 increases but it’s knitter’s choice.

I like the lifted increases (right lifted increase and left lifted increase) too. They blend in so well.

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