Increase in Kniiting Question.

Hello, can you offer assistance in understanding when I do these increases? the Pattern is

**1st row: k1, PI
**2nd row: Knit

The increases are done one at each end is my understanding, but when on what row? I need it written out, explained better.

Pattern instructions for sweater sleeve:

inc 1 st each end of next and
following 6th (6th-4th-4th-4th4th) rows until there are 57 (69-
57-67-83-87) sts, then every
following 8th (8th-6th-6th-6th6th) rows until there are 67 (71-
77-81-87-91) sts, taking inc sts
into pat.
Cont even until work from beg
measures 15" [38 cm], ending on
a 2nd row.

Could you let us know which size are you making?

We have a couple of experts here who will be along to help with explaining what to do once they have that info.

Yes, the increases are done at each end of one row, usually a right-side (RS) row. It’s a good idea to do them one or two stitches in from the edge.

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And just one more bit of information: the number of stitches on the needle before the increases begin.

I am doing size medium, which is the 69 stitches/71 stitches. I am up to 63 stitches, and my sleeve is very long, so I think that something is off.

Thanks for your assistance.

43 stitches on the needle. The sweater is called Caron 3 Color Knit Sweater. Here’s more information from the instructions: Screenshot 2023-01-05 081821

Screenshot 2023-01-05 082109

Your sleeve should be something less than but close to 15 inches when you’ve finished these increases. There are 2 increases per increase row, one at each end of the row.
If you call the next row, row 1 then the increases are on rows 1,7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55,61,67 and 73 (that’s every 6th row). Then increase on row 81 which will take you to 71sts.

It’s nice to make these increases one or two sts in from the edges so that you have a straighter edge for seaming. Usually a ssk and k2tog work well.
This rice stitch pattern creates such a lovely knit fabric. It just feels beautiful.


I am on the right track! :slight_smile: Thank you so much for the confirmation, and for the extra knitting tips!!

Have a nice day!

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Aren’t ssk and k2tog DEcreases, not INcreases??

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Thank you for catching that, ColoCro.
I use RLI and LLI for these but whatever you prefer for an increase (not a decrease). Knit front and back can work well with the stitch pattern.


Yes, I thought something was off, thanks for updating your information.

I have another question about the same sweater. Here are the instructions:
Screenshot 2023-01-13 161838

My question is: do I repeat 2 rows for a count of 26 times? For example:

row 1
row 2 is considered 1 count

row 3
row 4 is considered 2 counts

row 5
row 6 is considered 3 counts…

and so on until I have 26 counts of 2 rows?

Thanks for catching that as well!

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Yes, repeat both rows as you’ve outlined. You can check this by checking the stitch count. Two sts will be decreased every time you repeat rows 1 and 2. That’s 54sts decreased total (26 times more means 27 times total). That means you would be starting this section with 63sts. Is that what you have on the needle before starting the decreases?

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Yes, that is what I have on the needle. Thanks so much for your help!!

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Hello again. Regarding the sleeve length for the medium size sweater I am knitting, I think the sleeve is going to be too long. I am thinking of redoing the sleeve to the size small, however, the sweater is size medium, can that be done? Will the small sleeve fit into the medium sweater? Thanks again for your assistance!!

The place to shorten or lengthen the sleeve is before the armhole and the raglan decreases. So If you can shorten after the sleeve increases and before the 15" measurement that’s ideal. If not, then you may want to decrease the rows between the sleeve increases. Instead of every 6th or 8th row maybe put in an increase or two after 4 or 6 rows.
You definitely want the raglan portion to match up to the raglans on the front and back. The smaller size sleeve may not match up to the larger size body of the sweater at the raglan edges.

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Thanks so much for your quick response and for this valuable knitting forum. I will review what you suggested and try it. I might be back for more advice…

Hello, if the measurement remains at 15 inches, wouldn’t the sleeve still be the same length afterwards, regardless of which row I do the increases. Just trying to understand this further.

Yes, if you keep to the 15 inches, the sleeve will be the same length. But the sleeve before the 15 inches is the place to shorten. (I have to do this most of the time myself.)
If you finish the increases at say 13 inches, you could shorten by as much as 2 inches. In other words, start the raglan shaping at 13, 13.5, 14, whatever you need. If you need the sleeve shorter than the example of 13 inches then you would need to decrease the number of rows between increase rows during the shaping.
Measure your arm length from about the underarm to the wrist (or where you would like the cuff) and use that as a guide.

In addition to what salmonmac has said you can also use the fabric of the sweater body to help you decide how long you would like the sleeve.
You can put the waist band ribbing at your wrist and pretend it is the cuff, mark with a yarn scrap on the body where you want the shoulder (that’s the top of the sleeve cap) then count the rows.
This row count is your exact knitting gauge. You can then minus how many rows the sleeve cap takes, how many the cuff takes and you are left with how many rows for the main part of the sleeve.
Then, as salmonmac said if the increases as given in the pattern are all complete within this number of rows you don’t need to change where the increases are - only switch to bind off for under arm and start the sleeve cap at the right row number for the length you want.

Hope this helps