important message for knitting zoom group.

hey everyone,

i want to apologize for not attending the zooms. i would like to add that i am certainly struggling with depression, and anxiety and burnout. i am having really hard time and would really appreciate some kind words. and support from my knitting community. when get this or read this. i want say how lovely you all have been since first time i’ve gone on zoom with you guys.

sending all my love
Soheila Roohipour


Hello Soheila, I’m not in your zoom group but I’m sorry to hear your having a tricky time and suffering with depression. There will be brighter days ahead.


I do hope that you feel better with each passing day. Zoom groups are a good way to connect with friends and knit at the same time both of which may help with depression and with burnout. The group understands and has likely gone through similar experiences at some point.
Be of good cheer. Talking to friends and getting help may be the beginning of a change for the better.


I feel with you. When I went through some big changes in my life (new workplace and unrelated to that also the biggest tragedy in my life) I ended up having depression too. I was away from the whole KnittingHelp a couple of years. Recently I came back to post here a bit again. I think it is fully normal to drop out of things when you are hit by tragedies, depression and big changes in your life.

I hope neither you nor anyone else take offense by my advice, but personally I know it helps to take time with God. I want to say this even thou this is a knitting forum.


I’m sorry things are tough and hope you can soon see brighter days. I didn’t know there were zoom groups so we’ve not met but I find knitting a good way to rest and feel productive at the same time. Do you all knit together on the zoom? Could you attend and just enjoy the banter and companionship without feeling you have to contribute greatly? It might help t
o seek professional help if you don’t have many local trusted connections. Eat well and get lots of sleep. Sending best wishes

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