I'm stuck on my baby booties, please help!

i’m really confused as to what the second half of this pattern means, i’ve got to the part instep shaping and the pattern goes like this
(k1, p1) 2 (3,3) times, i don’t have a clue what this means or is asking me to do, ok i get the k1, p1 but what does the 2 mean and then the (3,3) in the brackets! im completely clueless. Please can someone explain it to me?

[QUOTE=misszahara406;1330398]i’m really confused as to what the second half of this pattern means, i’ve got to the part instep shaping and the pattern goes like this
(k1, p1) 2 (3,3) times,
The numbers before and within the () indicate adjustments for 3 different sizes. For these booties it’s probably something like,
Newborn, 3mos, 5mos.

You’ll see numbers like this in any pattern that offers a choice of size. Generally you’ll see this at the top of your pattern where the instructions begin. They often advise to circle the correct number through the pattern so you won’t do the wrong one by mistake. That’s a help to some.

So when you check at the beginning for the size you want make sure you do either the first, middle or third through the whole pattern. When 2 numbers are the same it just means that two sizes require the same amount of stitches at that particular point.
Good Luck. Jean


I probably should have mentioned that the times, after the () indicates how many times to do the stitch mentioned.

In this case - smallest sz.- K1,p1 2times; - middle sz. K1, p1 3 times;

largest sz. K1,p1, 3 times.

Stay with your size and you’ll be fine.

Thanks for your help Jean, for some reason this scrambled my brain! i’m going to give it a go and hopefully the second half will turn out just as well as the first part

Could i ask you another question as well please, when changing needle size it says change needles and knit 2 rows, is this including the needle change or do i knit onto the new needle size and then knit 2 rows?

By all means, give it a go. Remember, it’s only yarn and you can always repair your mistakes or frog it and do something else with it.

There are many very expert knitters on this site to help you so keep asking questions. Who knows - your brain won’t be scrambled for long. Maybe it’ll get to over easy or even sunny side up!

You’re gonna love this site.

“it says change needles and knit 2 rows, is this including the needle change or do i knit onto the new needle size and then knit 2 rows.”

Your first thought is right. With your new size needle knit the sts. from the old size and then one more row.

P.S. When you finish the first row get rid of the empty needle. Remember to pick up your second new size needle after you finish the first row. I’d bet a lot that every knitter has plunged on and knitted with 2 different size needles. Every body out there who’s done it - raise your hand. :teehee: Jean

Yes, what Jean said. You’ll sometimes see patterns with multiple sizes in brackets. Circling your correct size for each row avoids confusion. Another thing I thought I should mention is that you’ll see directions for increases or decreases in these multisize patterns. You’ll see something like increase 0 (1,1) stitches. This means that for the smallest size you won’t do an increase.

I already love this site! Thanks for all your help, booties turned out really well :slight_smile: x

Congrats on finishing your project!

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