:woohoo: I just began knitting a couple months ago and I have been learning by reading books. I don’t know anyone else that knits so I thought I could try this site out. I bought a set of slipper sock soles from Hobby Lobby they came with a pattern and since this is only my third project I have come to a point in the pattern that I can’t seem to understand. To begin the heel you knit 20 across and place 26 on a stich holder. Then you work the heel flap in stockinette stitch ending with purl row. This is where I get confused…Bind off next row 1 st rem on the needle. Next it says with right side facing, purl 11 sts along inside edge of heel flap. How do I purl these stitches if I just finished binding off? Please help me!
I'm stuck and need help please
You would need another end of the yarn to purl sts in a different place. Probably after you BO and have 1 st remaining, you can pull the tail through that or put it on a holder and cut it, leaving several inches.
Thank you for your help I will try that!