I'm not sure I know what this means

5tog: with yarn in back, slip 3 sts purlwise, *pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st st, slip 1st st onto left needle, pass 2nd st on left needle over 1st st, slip 1st back to right needle

If I do this: pass 2nd st on right needle over 1st st, slip 1st st onto left needle.

How im i suppose to place 2nd st on left needle over 1st st when i’ve passed it over the 1st st. I hope this makes sense

Remember that the second stitch on the right needle is different from the second stitch on the left needle.


One is on the R needle, one is on the L needle.

Have you tried this yet with the yarn and needles? Sometimes it makes more sense doing it than trying to visualize it and figure it out in your head.

In effect, you’re taking a st and putting it on the right needle and passing st two over it. Then you’re passing the same st back to the left needle and passing the next st over it. Sue is right, this is going to make much more sense when you see the sts than it does reading the pattern.

im gonna give it another shot.