Hi! :waving:
The bottom line is that you should knit what appeals to you. There’s no knitting law that I know of that says you’re not a true knitter if you don’t knit socks!!! :roflhard:
I will mention here, though, that I absolutely LOVE knitted socks - I love making them, wearing them, gifting them and getting all the wonderful comments back from the giftees!
The old Pillsbury jingle that says “Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven” doesn’t hold up when compared to how much love goes into knitting a pair of socks for someone or how much comes back from the recipients!
But when I was first learning I found it very frustrating. I was so awkward!!! But I persisted and then tried every different way to make them that I could find, just to be sure I’d found the best method for me. I did dpn’s, one circ, two circs, two at a time on one long circ (that one really paid off!) and even did some leg warmers one inside the other on the same needles! That was a hoot and I can’t wait to try socks that way.
But, again, the bottom line is that you should pick your passion and knit those things that really appeal to you, even though they might be a bit difficult to learn or are awkward to do in the beginning.
Best of luck and happy knitting,