I'm looking for a fisherman cardigan with a shawl collar

Hi everyone,

I would love to find a pattern to purchase. I’m looking for a long sleever cardigan sweater that has a shawl collar. (I also don’t want buttonholes.)

I am told that Alice Starmore maybe have a sweater in this design.

Can anyone help me?

The sweater just needs to have the 1/2 fisherman stitch in it. I do not need any other styles.

Thank you in advance!

Deb in Maine

Since you want it so specific have you tried Ravelry?

Vogue Knitting had one last winter (you can eadily delete the buttonholes):

You can usually buy back issues and some individual patterns.

Can you find a basic cardigan with shawl collar and just do it in the half fisherman’s rib instead of stockinette? You might have to see what the difference in gauges is, and use a different size of the pattern, probably a smaller one.