I'm gonna write my dissertation on knitting!

I pm’d you about an alternative group I teach. Let me know if you want any info.


:cheering: :cheering: :cheering: :cheering: :cheering: :cheering:

Me, too. You have a built-in audience!

:thumbsup: That very cool! Can we help in any way?

How cool! That’ll be a very interesting project.

Awesome!!! Are you doing a quantitative or qualitative study?

Probably just qual. I don’t know what I would for quant. How many numbers of folks who knit? Which proves…what? I think I’ll be focusing on the experienes of folks who knit and what it does for them, how it relates to learning, stuff like that.

you know you can find plenty of “knitting stories” here~ !! an abundance of them~!

In the book “Friday Night Knitting Club” one of the characters is writing a dissertation on knitting.

What I find fascinating about the online knitting community is the mixing of age groups. It facilitates cross-demographic exchange.

One of my good friends wrote here MA thesis on the new DIY. Not just knitting but everything. It’s definately a great topic!