I'm close to finishing this project, but need some help!

Okay, so I"m very close to finishing this project (relatively speaking), but I want to make sure I understand this part…

[I]Buttonhole Band: With RS facing and smaller needles, pick up and K158 (158, 170, 170, 170) sts up right front edge, beg at cast on edge and ending at neckband marker.[/I]
[I]Beg on Row 2, work 7 rows in K2/P2 ribbing.[/I]
[I]Nest Row (RS)-buttonholes: Rib 1 (1, 3, 3, 3), *bind off 2 sts, rib 15 (15, 16, 16, 16) (including st on needle after bind off); rep from * 8 times more, bind off 2 sts, rib 2 (2, 3, 3, 3).[/I]
[I]Next Row: Rib, casting on 2 sts over bound off sts.[/I]
[I]Work a further 5 rows in ribbing. Bind off in ribbing.[/I]

I get the picking up and knitting part, I even get the starting on row 2 and knitting 7 rows part. The part I need clarifying is the “nest row”. When it says rib 1 does that mean k2/p2? then bind off 2 sts? Or does 1 rib equal just a k2 or a p2?? I’m on the home stretch of this project, and really don’t want to screw it up.

I would read “rib 1” as “work one stitch in the ribbing pattern (whether that would be a knit or purl stitch)” and then bind off the 2 stitches.

Yes, when a pattern says `Rib x or pattern x’ it means to work that number of sts in the ribbing or stitch pattern.

So I would work 4 sts before the first bind off, right?? Because the rib pattern consists of k2/p2 and it states to work 1 rib first.

No, you only work one stitch when it says, “Rib 1”. It means that you are working in your normal rib pattern, but to work only one actual stitch. Then to do the bind off you need to work two more and then lift the first one over the second one. Then it says, “Rib 15 (or 16 depending on your size)”, that means to work the rib pattern over 15 (or 16) actual stitches, beginning with whatever stitch of the rib pattern comes next. It doesn’t mean to make 15 whole rib patterns consisting of 4 stitches. If you tried to do it that way you would run out of stitches before you got all the instructions followed. :slight_smile:

No, it says to work [B]1 st[/B] in rib, not one rib (which btw would only be k2 or p2 not both), so you just do the 1 st, then BO, then continue your rib pattern. The reason it sounds somewhat ambiguous is so the instructions can apply to other sizes. The larger ones you rib 3 sts, which would seem to be k2,p1, for example. Then after, you work 15 or 16 sts in the rib.