I'm back!

I decided to get back to knitting- almost 3 weeks without and I was experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms anyway- when I knit, I just feel the arthritis!
Anyway, I want to make a turban on flat needles, and add some beads- I have tried to find the how to on placement, but most just show how to add the beads. I would like to stagger them like shown in this video, but I need to figure out how many rows to do before adding beads and how many in between, and how many stitches in between.(Does that make sense?) The pattern I am using has 23 stitches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1-0SrOjFiw

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Glad that you’re back to knitting. It is a kind of withdrawal to be without it.
This sounds like something that could be charted out either on computer or with knitting chart paper and pencil. You could leave edge sts if you’d like and divide the remaining sts with placement of the beads. Much easier to plan out ahead of time than while knitting. The spacing can be whatever you like depending on your gauge.
I like this method of adding beads as opposed to stringing the beads and moving them up to the stitch when needed. They always seem to roll around to the wrong side that way.
What are you thinking of making?

Thinking of making a turban in black with pearls. As previously mentioned, I have joined a knitting/crocheting/sewing community and everything that is made goes to charity.


That sounds striking. It will make a lovely donation.
I think it will be fun to experiment with bead placement both planned and even maybe random.