I'm back after being gone for a year!

I’m sure most of you will not remember me. Last year I had a baby and next thing I knew :whoosh: (whoosh!), a whole year had passed. I used to post out here pretty frequently. Once I got pregnant, for whatever reason, I seemed to stop knitting.

The good news is that after my Daughter was born, I went right back to my favorite addiction! I’ve had so many projects I’ve been working on, I even have a “Roseanne” afghan that I’m almost done crocheting. All the squares are done and I’m just piecing it together. I have so many pictures that I need to post of the things I’ve finished. Especially my baby! :happydance:

Oh, looks like I need to remove the ticker down below. My baby is almost 1 year old! ha ha ha

Welcome back. Glad all is well.

Welcome back! Having a baby does tend to change your life! LOL My “baby” is now 19 and in her 1st year of college. Enjoy it - it goes fast!

:woot: Welcome back!! She is a cutie in the picture (in your sig)…can’t wait to see what you have been working on!


:hug: Hey I just wanted to stop by and say welcome back, and congrats on the baby! She’s a cutie!

Welcome back!:yay:

Here are two pics. of the little one. The pouty face one is her at four months and the other is her at almost 11 months. :muah:

Oh what a face!!!

ooooh!!! What a pathetic pout! She’s SO cute!! :heart:

Welcome back! Your daughter is adorable!

awe! I love the mad face. The mad faces are the best baby pictures. You can always get a baby to smile but to be mad is a hard one on camera lol

Welcome back! Of course we remember you:hug: What a cutie you’ve baked:teehee: . Don’t forget to share the FO’s with us.

Hello I was wondering if you had pics of the afghan you amde and if you ever sell them. Ive been looking everywhere for once and cant find one. please email me and let me know if you can help me. thanks Chrissy Chrissy81279@yahoo.com :woohoo:

What a princess! Welcome back to the best pass time ever! Baby pics are always appreciated. :wink:


Nice to meet you - I only joined here in May when I took up knitting. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter - I have 3 of them so keep going til you catch up!
