I was actually offered MONEY for my knitting!

OK - so I am going to preface my post by admitting that I am extremely new to knitting (of course I’ve said that in other posts, but its no less true today). I take the bus to work and back daily and use the time to knit. I have struck up a friendship with another lady who has basically the same commute as I do and today she asked if she can pay me to knit her a scarf! ME!!! Now, I can do absolutely NOTHING compared to the things I’ve seen posted here at KHF and I can only hope to some day be anywhere close to the heights of some of you guys, but I was soooooooo flattered :aww: .

I told her that I would be happy to knit her a scarf, but that I wouldn’t accept money as I don’t think my talents warrant pay (yet :wink: ). She insisted so I struck her a deal that she buy the yarn and I’ll do the scarf and we made a date to meet at a LYS this weekend. Anyway, I was just extremely flattered by her offer and thought I’d share :sun:

Sweet! Yeah, it’s always a nice compliment when someone is willing to pay you to knit them something!

What a wonderful compliment! The positivity that comes from knitting can peek out of any corner. Have fun knitting the scarf for her!

My sister got an offer for pay to crochet.
She was happy to get the yarn bought for her hobby but said that she couldn’t pay for the labor.
The lady thought she wouldn’t allow her to pay for the labor so she had to explain that there is so much labor involved that she couldn’t afford to pay for the labor.

I don’t think people realize how much time it takes to put your hand to each and every stitch.
They probably imagine the cartoons where the needles are flying and fabric is spitting out the end like paper out of a typewriter.

You are a sweetheart! :muah:

It’s very kind of you to just let her buy the yarn!

Y’all have a great time at the LYS!!! (Oh, and don’t forget to get yourself something too!)



well done you:cheering:

That’s great :slight_smile: Way to go!

What a nice compliment! :slight_smile:

It’s always flattering when someone asks you to make something for them. Congrats!

How fun, and what a fabulous compliment!! I actually had the receptionist at the Dr’s office tell me she would pay to buy a bag like my knit one. It made me feel good to hear it!

You’re so funny! You’re like me! I have a new post where it explains that I just sold my first two hats! And, I really can’t believe she could get that kind of money, well, yes I can coz here in New York they are selling hats for $180 for goodness sake.

Mine were sold for something around $67! duh I said I wanted $50
kind of holding my breath, like it’s a joke, and she said of course.
There are some people who really value handmade stuff and it’s so wonderful. Don’t undervalue your work! It is nice of you though!

How wonderful! Have fun knitting your first ‘sale’ scarf!

That is so true. I really wouldn’t know what to charge if I ever did get to that point. My MIL does beautiful needlepoint and she has been offered money for her work. She’s told them there is no way they could afford her hourly rate.

that’s great!!! that means your knitting skills have improved!! I just know she is going to adore her scarf and enjoy seeing it be made!!

Congratulations VictoiseC!!! That’s so great :cheering:

Don’t worry - I never do forget to get something for me at the LYS :^)

Congratulations! How exciting for you! I have the most fun so far when knitting for someone else. How cool it will be for you to see her wearing your handiwork. :yay:

Thanks! So do I. Just before Christmas I knit a scarf and liked it so much I thought I’d keep it myself. Then one day I was walking to the bus stop wearing it when I was approached by a homeless man asking for money for coffee - he said he was cold and wanted something warm. Well - I didn’t give him cash but unwrapped the scarf from my neck instead and said “here, ya go” He said “Sure, I’ll take that too” . … lol I immediately thought I was a dope for just giving it away considering his response - like my hand knit scarf was second best, but then I reminded myself that I am most happy knitting for others anyway and I told myself that I may have just misinterpreted his response :wink:

What a great compliment! And if she wants to buy you a hank of yarn at the LSS, let her!
