OK - so I am going to preface my post by admitting that I am extremely new to knitting (of course I’ve said that in other posts, but its no less true today). I take the bus to work and back daily and use the time to knit. I have struck up a friendship with another lady who has basically the same commute as I do and today she asked if she can pay me to knit her a scarf! ME!!! Now, I can do absolutely NOTHING compared to the things I’ve seen posted here at KHF and I can only hope to some day be anywhere close to the heights of some of you guys, but I was soooooooo flattered .
I told her that I would be happy to knit her a scarf, but that I wouldn’t accept money as I don’t think my talents warrant pay (yet ). She insisted so I struck her a deal that she buy the yarn and I’ll do the scarf and we made a date to meet at a LYS this weekend. Anyway, I was just extremely flattered by her offer and thought I’d share :sun: