I’ve been purling wrong!

Hello everyone!

Newbie knitter here who has just realised that I’ve been purling wrong the whole time I’ve been learning. I’ve been wrapping my yarn in the wrong direction. I’ve actually already made the back, half of a front and a sleeve the wrong way. (Looking forward to the day where I find this funny :rofl:). Should I just finish the project wrong? Will it look obvious if I start doing it right now?

Ugh, I knew it was all going too well. :joy:



Hi Naomi,
So many different knitting styles doesn’t make one wright or wrong. Just keep knitting way you was doing and finish project. Later you can compare different types of knitting and find which style suits you the best.
You are doing well :slight_smile::+1: keep good job


Unless it won’t fit I think finishing the sweater as started is better than changing methods now since the knitting will look different. Your purls will likely be looser wrapping clockwise. If the sweater is finished and fits then the main goals are achieved. As for purling wrong, what you’re doing is Eastern purling, usually used by Continental combined knitters. Typically when purling this way knitters work into the back loop of the stitch to avoid having it twisted. Some knitters wrap the purls ‘backwards’ to help with tension problems if they purl looser than they knit. Frogging is always an option but unless you really don’t like what you’ve done I think finishing it the way you’ve knit so far is totally aceptable.


I would also suggest continuing your project as it is and keep purling “wrong” for this project so it all looks the same.
There are so many different types of knitting that one can’t really say it’s wrong, and anyway you are free to invent your own knitting style and stitches too!

Would love to see a pic when you’re finished.

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Good to learn this now. Go ahead and finish the sweater the way you have been working. You’ve probably created twisted sts and that’s a knitting technique that’s quite useful.
Next project, start purling the conventional way, by wrapping the yarn counterclockwise around the needle. It’ll all be fine1

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Like the others said, if it’s still going to fit (and even if it doesn’t fit the person it’s being made for, there’s always someone else who could wear it!), finish it with the same purling method so it will look consistent.


Thank you so much everyone for the encouragement and useful info! It’s so much appreciated!