I should introduce myself, I am Elizabeth.

A Dear dear dear dear friend of our family taught me and my sister to knit and crochet.
I cannot ask her anymore.
I put this question somewhere else, and maybe it was misplaced. When a pattern says Row 1-14, do you count the cast on loops?

Also, my pattern said just knit for rows 1-14, isn’t that the garter stitch?
When I am done, do I count each row, purl or knit, as a row?

Also, do we call the ‘v’ stitch created by ‘knitting’ a KNIT and do we call the ‘bubble over with a thread’ a PURL?
I may have just been confused all these years. Thank you for your help.
I do have a little conversation going with a local knitter.

It’s lovely to have a friend teach you to knit and crochet.

The cast on row is not normally counted as row 1. The cast on row tends to be called the cast on row.

Knitting jn every row is called garter stitch, yes, you are correct. You would still count each row though if following a pattern which says to do a certain unber of rows.
Row 1 knit
Row 2 knit
That’s 2 rows, the resulting fabric (especially if you repeated these 2 rows) would be called garter stitch.

Yes a V is a knit and a bump is a purl. The purl is found on the back of a knit and the knit is found on the back of a purl.

Ask away with whatever knitting questions you have as there is a lot of friendly help here.

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If you are going back and forth, yes knitting every row would be considered garter stitch. However if you are knitting in circular fashion, knitting every row is stockinette.

The loops fall back and forth, front to back, every other row when knitting every row back + forth. They all fall to the back on circular knitting every row.

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