I need help!

I have craving to visit my LYS.
That is very dangerous since I did go about 1 week ago and bought a lot :angelgrin: . And I went a week before that and bought a lot at that time also.

I need to finish my curent projects and use the yarn I have.
I need help to control this craving :pray: :waah:

Ummm I think you are asking the wrong group of people. :teehee:

Control your craving? Not gonna happen here, hon… :teehee:

Maybee i will just get out with pattern book :out:

To choose patterns for the yarn you already have??? :rofl:

Go take a look at the StashBusters thread (KAL forum). Maybe you’ll find more support there. :teehee:

I am so bad :hair: But on the other hand I did finish one object last nite and worked more on the second.

We’re nothing but enablers, here.

Sorry, I fail to see the problem here.

I think you need to join our Yarn Lover’s Anonymous group.