I am knitting my 2nd sweater and have hit a major roadblock. The pattern is “Cropped Jacket” in Leisure Arts Book 4165 (a book filled with projects using SpeedStix). It’s absolutely gorgeous so far! But I’m having a big problem. Having already knitted the Back, I am now in the process of knitting the Right Front, and am almost finished with it. These are the instructions I’m having trouble with:
“Rep last 2 rows 6 more times, AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 15.5” from beg, end with a RS row.
[B]Shape Neck[/B]
Bind off 3 sts at neck edge once, dec 1 st at neck edge every row 4 times.
Work as for Right Front, reversing shaping."
From there, the pattern has instructions for Sleeves and Finishing.
So … my questions:
The words AT THE SAME TIME are confusing. Do I simply continue the knitting on the Right Front until I get 15.5" from beginning? Or is there more to it?
The wording for shaping the neck is confusing too. When it says to bind off 3 stitches – is that RS or WS? I would expect it’s RS as I was supposed to end the Right Front with a RS row. If that’s correct, after I do the bind off, do I do the dec immediately in the next stitch? If not, when do I do it?
Finally, it does not tell me how to complete the piece. Is the Right Front and Left Front one big piece? Or 2 separate pieces? When I look at the finishing instructions, it’s unclear if I’m supposed to be sewing 2 pieces or 1. If I read closely and between the lines I think it’s 1 piece. Can this be true??
For anyone who reads this and is able to offer me help … thank you in advance! I really appreciate your time and wisdom!!
Sue in Wisconsin