Hi. I need help understanding a section in this pattern for a sweater. I’m getting confused on how you do the shoulder and neck shaping. Do you bind off the sides and keep working the drop stitch in the middle? When I try that, it doesn’t create the neck shape, the middle for the neck becomes longer than the shoulders. Please help!
Row 3 with US 10 (6mm) needles: k, allowing the yarn overs to drop.
Row 4 with US 10.5 (7mm) needles: p1 (edge st), *yo, p1, rep from * to
the last st, yo, p1 (edge st).
Rep rows 3 & 4.
Mark for armholes: When back measures 19¼“/18“ (49/46 cm) when allowed to hang, place a marker at the beginning and end of your row for
beginning of armhole.
Continue to work even until armhole measures 8”/9” (20/23 cm) from markers.
Now begin shoulder shaping:
Shoulder shaping: Bind off 4 sts twice & 5 sts twice / 5 sts twice & 6 sts
twice each side, so initially 4/5 sts at beginning of each row.
Neck: When back measures 28¼“ (72 cm) bind off 16/18 center sts for