I need help understanding this pattern

Hi. I need help understanding a section in this pattern for a sweater. I’m getting confused on how you do the shoulder and neck shaping. Do you bind off the sides and keep working the drop stitch in the middle? When I try that, it doesn’t create the neck shape, the middle for the neck becomes longer than the shoulders. Please help!

Row 3 with US 10 (6mm) needles: k, allowing the yarn overs to drop.
Row 4 with US 10.5 (7mm) needles: p1 (edge st), *yo, p1, rep from * to
the last st, yo, p1 (edge st).
Rep rows 3 & 4.
Mark for armholes: When back measures 19¼“/18“ (49/46 cm) when allowed to hang, place a marker at the beginning and end of your row for
beginning of armhole.
Continue to work even until armhole measures 8”/9” (20/23 cm) from markers.
Now begin shoulder shaping:
Shoulder shaping: Bind off 4 sts twice & 5 sts twice / 5 sts twice & 6 sts
twice each side, so initially 4/5 sts at beginning of each row.
Neck: When back measures 28¼“ (72 cm) bind off 16/18 center sts for

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern and the name of the designer?
It’s only another inch or so depending on the size you are making from the beginning of the shoulder shaping to the neck shaping. The shoulder shaping takes 4 rows to complete which leaves even less distance between the end of the shoulder shaping and the neck bind off. So yes, continue working in pattern on the center sts as you bind off for the shoulders. There shouldn’t be too many rows where you are only working those center sts before they are bound off. Of course, this will also depend on your row gauge.
This isn’t so unusual for the back neck on a sweater.

Does the pattern have a schematic (line drawing of the design, sometimes shown in separate parts, usually with measurements)?

Often when I’m confused as to what’s happening, looking at the schematic can clarify what shape I am supposed to be making.

If your pattern doesn’t have a schematic, we can probably find one for a similar style for you to refer to.


This is my first time knitting a sweater, so I appreciate the help. I was able to figure out the back piece and using this advice helped. Thanks!