I am so excited! It’s small, a baby sock perhaps? There are numerous errors, and I had more stitches on the needles when I ended, more than was called for by the pattern. Thankfully those extra stitches were on needle one. I am so excited. Now I have to maker another one.
I made my first SOCK! wooohooo!
It’s adorable! Good job!
Great looking first sock! I hope the next one will be much easier for you.
Fantastic! :yay: Good looking sock. Don’t forget to finish the pair.
do another one? egads! I guess I better for the practice, even tho I am itching to try this on a full sized adult sock pattern.
looks great! I don’t even see any holes in the gusset! Talent!
Do you really need 2 that size? Have you a handy set of feet for a pair of socks that small? If not, it could be a key chain decoration! Then you can go on to a larger pair sooner. You might check into doing 2 at a time to avoid 2nd sock syndrome. I find having them come out the same length is nice too. Not long ago I thought I was starting mittens but my grandson was over and thought he needed slippers so the cuffs turned into slipper cuffs.
Awesome!!! Your sock rocks! :yay:
If you really want to iron out the errors, go for the second sock just like this one. If not, you have an adorable christmas ornament for 2012.
Otherwise, if you know where you made them, and why, I say go for adult socks!:woot:
How adorable and what a good idea to practice the techniques on a small project. Very clever of you. Now get busy on sock number two!
Thanks for the picture.
Terrific! The more you make, the better you get at it you will find. Again, you did a great job on a first sock!
GrumpGrandma - key chain good idea, (considering a bought a big sack of key chains rings at the flea market, why? a $1, how could i say no? Keychains for everyone)
LoveBugAngel - thanks - whats a gusset? That is the side correct? where you re-join to get back in the round?
justplaincharlotte - thanks - I agree, I am going to do sock #2, to fix those errors. I never thought a piece of clothing could make me so happy!
salmonmac - thank you, I wanted to see progress, the smaller sock, let me see it sooner. Plus truth be told, I started it 6 times if I started it once, and it took me three days. Not 72 hrs mind you, but each night I did a portion. I had a chance to get comfy with the rounds, and just about when I was ready to change it up - yep - the pattern did that for me.
I got confused in turning the heal, I kept losing count of what I was doing. I did the heel piece about 4 times before I got it ‘right’
I even did the kitchner (sp?) stitch to close it off. What a great feeling to see it come together at the toe so nicely
thanks again everyone, i will be back next time with two big girl socks!
yep the gusset where you pick up the stitches, I’m a new sock knitter and I keep getting holes in that area.
I have noticed I am a tight knitter. I seem to always be fighting trying to slip that needled into to knit. How are you knitting your socks? dpns?
The gusset is the triangle shaped part of the sock near the ankle.
2 socks, no small feet? Earrings! :roflhard: Uh, I guess they’d be a bit large for that. Hey, key rings are great to have around. Lots of uses. For $1, I’d take 'em home.
Sock envy!
Nice job! It looks really good!
GrumpyGramma - LOL you are funny! (not really that grumpy) I am in the middle of baby test sock number 2…
ArtLady1981 - Sock Envy…good one… and thank you!
Cute sock and also a knitterly milestone I have one little ‘too wide sock’ that is now a tiny Christmas stocking. Mine is red with light grey stripes. It’s not functional unless I want to put a tiny toy in there but it’s proudly displayed anyway
thank you, I will be completing it’s sister this evening. It is definitely a milestone for me. First time I have ever used a pattern. First time I have ever knitted something that wasnt flat.
First time sock… I am so excited, everyone will be getting socks for xmas 2012. yeah!