I have a question on a pattern

I want to make this pattern for my niece. she is 5. the smallest the pattern allows for is 7-11yrs old and there is a considerable size difference.

if i follow the pattern for the smallest cast on, and do not switch to the larger needles, and make them a little shorter, do you think they will be ok?
I’m thinking if i switch to the larger needles, they will be too poofy and not stay up well.

What’s your question, specifically?

sorry i edited it. i hit enter too soon and it posted thelink w/out the question :aww:

No, the ribbing should really be on smaller needles. You could CO the same number of sts, but go down a needle size or 2 for the ribbing, use the smaller needle for the leg, and make them shorter. Or you can use the same needle size, but CO less sts. Look at the small size and figure out how many inches around the CO is, then how many inches you want for you daughter. Then cast on that many less.