What better place to ask for help with my knitting than KnittingHelp.com!! Glad I found this site.
Here is my question (which, even my mother who is an advanced knitter couldn’t help me with!):
I am knitting this little baby blanket: [B]http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=177[/B] and what has me stuck is this repeating pattern:
1st row: (RS). With A, knit.
2nd row:P1. (MK) 90 times.
3rd row: With MC, knit.
4th row:(MK) 90 times. P1.
These 4 rows form pat.
MK=P2tog without slipping sts off needle, then K2tog
over same sts.
I take it MK means Make Knot? I’m not a loose or tight knitter, somewhere in between…but when I attempt to purl the two stitches together, I have a very hard time getting the needle into the second stitch. My “knots” don’t look like knots (however small they’re supposed to be). The whole thing just looks messy to me.
Also, what is meant by doing the 2nd and 4th rows 90 times? There are 181 stitches…I don’t get it!
This pattern seems tortuous to me yet it’s rated as “easy” by Bernat.
Has someone here ever knitted this pattern and can help me with it? I’m thinking I’ll just forget doing the pattern and replace it with a regular knit/purl and be done with it!
Thank you very much for any help you all can give me. My mother and I would appreciate it!