Humble Pie Hat

First of all: Woohoo!!! I finished something (a feat that has been unattainable for some time now).

This is my first ever fair isle project, and I thought it turned out pretty well.

I’m calling this the “Humble Pie Hat” because every time I started admiring how nice it looked, I screwed up! :teehee: The other reason this was humbling is because I knit continental (although I’m right handed), and I found out that when it comes to knitting, my right hand is STOOOOOPID! My highly intelligent left hand had to show it what to do!!

Anyway, I mixed and matched fair isle patterns. I got the border around the diamonds off a Lion Brand pattern, the diamonds are from a DROPS pattern, and while waiting for my husband to finish physical therapy, I sketched out the curly pattern on top of the hat myself (although I seriously doubt it’s original).

Picture was taken atop oats in our garden that we planted for a cover crop. I opted not to cut out the little guy on the right!

Thanks for looking!!

I like it a lot. Your first fair isle? Wow! Nice combination of designs.
:yay: :woohoo:
Beautiful hat.

Great hat! :thumbsup:

I love it and love the color! I found I enjoy fair isle knitting much more than I thought I would.

Thank you to everyone for your encouraging words! You make me feel as though maybe possibly I might be able to someday finish another project with success–maybe!! Lately, finishing things has not been one of my accomplishments.

Nonny2t: Like you, I was also surprised to find that I really enjoyed fair isle knitting so much! It was interesting to watch the patterns unfold, and wanting to see what it looked like really inspired me on to completion. All in all, it was a very rewarding project.

Mmm, love the colour combination. It is so even, hard to believe it’s the first fair isle project.

congratulations on finishing it. it looks very pretty.

This is a beautiful hat and an excellant fair isle pattern. Well done! I like fair isle because the rows seem to fly by. You always want to see what the next combination will look like and what it will contribute to the pattern.

Oooo pretty!!

It looks very striking! I like your color combination!