How to work this pattern?

hi every one from bonnie scotland I am having with a problem with a vintage pattern i purchased from etsy when i notified the seller she informed me that she is not a knitter and nothing about a pattern or knitting it was her grandmothers pattern who has passed .the pattern is called B lue Boys Coat and Hat there is no name of the maker i have never came across a pattern with so little instructions I could send you the pattern to look over i think it is a lovely pattern and would love to knit it but with these instructions i am at a lost cause Thank you

Hi and welcome to KH!
We can’t post the pattern here due to designer copyright but you can post a few rows that are causing your problem. That may be the way to start. Vintage patterns are often not easy to start or to work.
Is there a pattern number?

Hi Thank you for replying the pattern has no number I will send you the places i have got stuck on when my husband comes home as i have no idea how to work the printer thank you once again for replying