How to turn the corner?

Hello to all, I am a VERY new knitter and need a little help. I am knitting my first blanket. It’s a bernat pinwheel blanket, found at Anyway, I have done the first 28 rows for the foundation rectangle, the next direction is to turn the corner. This is where I am lost! I can see it in my mind, but can’t execute it in my work…please help. I have googled, but don’t find anything specific. Pictures would be helpful, but not necessary. Thank you in advance, Dondi

Link. The instructions - [B]**Turn corner: First Half: 1st row[/B]: Sl1Pwyif. yb. K12. Sl1Pwyif. yb. Turn. - explain what you’re doing as well as how to do it. Just follow what it says stitch by stitch, and you’re going to be working on only part of the sts doing ‘short rows’.

As I am only reading the pattern and not making this item it is a bit hard to visualize, but if I am reading correctly, after the first 28 rows you have a square.

The next set of directions have you now making a triangle on top of your square. This occurs because you knit 1 fewer stitch each row, then turn the work and come back (this is called short rows). Each right side worked row decreases till you get to the last which has only 2 worked stitches. However, you still have all 14 stitches on your needle after the completion of each wrong side row. Your needle will now slant in comparison to the original square.
At this point, you work rows, increasing one stitch each time and essentially make a triangle in reverse. You should be “square” again at the end of this.

Check out this short row video. Notice the slant?

Hope this helps.

Sue, first of all you are WONDERFUL for getting back to me So quickly! I am going to like this web site! However, I am still a little confused. Do I actually turn my work, if so, how do I do this? Or do I keep knitting back and forth, in witch case I wouldn’t end up with a square? I may not be help-able with out actually seeing it done, but I will keep trying.

Yes, you actually turn the work.

If you have 14 stitches, work 13, leave last stitch on left needle, then turn work. You should now have 13 stitches on left needle and 1 on right. Work the 13 stitches to the end and now all 14 stitches will be on your right needle. Turn work. 14 stitches are now on left. Work 12.

Yes, turn as if you’re at the end of a row, even though you won’t be working all 14 sts that you cast on. It’s hard to see how something works in your head, but you often find that things work out if you just follow the pattern.

I am doing the same pattern and have completed the first “slant.” I’m ready to repeat the square/ rectangle part, but have the 14 stitches on my right needle to start again and don’t know how to start, since I evidently don’t turn the needle. (I thought this pattern would be “easy,” but obviously I can’t read this pattern correctly.
Thank you. (I’m new to this forum. Hope I’ve followed protocol)!

You’re actually going to be working another triangle which will add to the triangle you’ve just made and form another rectangle. If you’ve just finished the first half directions, row26, then [I]turn[/I] as it says at the end of row26 so that the sts are now on the needle in your left hand. You’re ready to begin the second half directions, row1.
It is a pattern that would be much clearer with a simple diagram or roadmap. Welcome to KH!

I’ve done the second half. Now all my stitches are on the right needle. Do I turn to start again? Sorry to keep asking, but I’ve ripped my work out twice.

So now you go back to the ** (it’s just after the foundation rectiangle) and begin a new first half followed by a second half. To do this you should turn the knitted piece so that the needle with the sts and the working yarn end is in your left hand.

I am new to knitting and was working the same blanket. I was also having a hard time with what they meant when they said turn I had actually put it down for a while because I couldn’t find anything about turning. So glad I found this site