How to take increased stitches into a pattern

Happy Easter to all friends and knitters.
I am knitting a Baby sleeping bag and I am working the sleeves. I have seen the worrying words 'take increased stitches into the pattern and ‘keep continuity of pattern’. I have looked up ideas on Google and because I am working a 4 row pattern I have used stockinette for the increases at both ends of the row. Now I have finished the increases I have enough stitches to start the pattern again.
However should I have been able to take the increased stitches into the pattern earlier without having a section of stockinette at each side which looks a bit strange.
Here is my pattern which is from an old Baby pattern book.
1st Row.Right side.
K2, ,kyb sLIP, k5;. rep.from to last 3 sts ,
kyb sLIP, k2.
2nd row.
(Kyft sLIP, P1)twice, * K3,P1,kyft sLIP, P1; rep from * to last st, kyft sLIP.
3rd Row.
K5, * kyb sLIP, K5; rep from * to end.
4th Row.
P1, * K3, P1, kyft sLIP, P1; rep from * to last 4 sts, K3, P1.
I added 6 stitches on each end of the row by increasing 1 stitch at each end on the 9th row and every following 4th row going from 41 stitches to 53 stitches.
Please can you advise me. I do hope I have explained properly.
Thank you.

What is the name of your pattern and the book it comes from?
It’s an interesting pattern stitch. You might have been able to extend the k3p1 pattern for a partial repeat but the increase is so few sts on each side that stockinette will work. Maybe garter stitch would work too but I’d have to see or work the pattern myself to be sure. This may well be seamed and In that case stockinette will make that easier to work as well.

***Hi Salmonmac,
Thank you so much for your speedy reply and hope you are enjoying a pleasant Easter.
The book I am using is called Fairytale Baby Book by Patons and the Pattern is No. 3 Sleeping Bag .
I am making this Bag for a friend whose daughter has just had a baby boy.
I am pleased to know that using stockinette is a good way to go when not too many extra stitches are being added.
Thank you for your help.

That’s adorable!

The stockinette will also take some bulk out of the underarm and should look fine.