How to substitute German Short Rows for W & T in Felix Sweater

I would love some insight. I’m a novice knitter and have only done German short rows twice - in sweaters that call for them.

I’m now starting the Felix Sweater by Amy Christoffers which calls for wrap and turn (which I’ve never done).

I want to substitute with German short rows and I don’t understand what to do when it says, “knit to the w & t, pick up the wrap and knit it together with its stitch, knit 2, wrap and turn.”

Thank you in advance!

Instead of picking up the wrap, etc., just knit both legs of the double stitch when you get there. When subbing you can make a mental note or write it out: pick up the wrap and knit it together with its stitch = knit both legs of the ds. Nice pattern. GSR is my go to for doing short rows no matter what method a pattern calls.


Wonderful! You made that super clear for me!! Thank you, thank you!

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This may get more into the weeds than you want but it’s a good reference for substituting short rows. It’s part of a series from Rox on short rows that’s everything you ever wanted to know.


@GrumpyGramma @salmonmac Thank you. I love Rox, but that chart confuses me more!!! :joy:

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You might find this one useful?


Seeing it written out helps me. Thank you! I’m understanding it better after visting Rox’s video and Patty’s instructions over and over again!

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I have watched Rox’s explanation of subbing GSR for W&T. It took a week for my head to stop spinning. :flushed: I think her conclusion was to do the ds before the stitch indicated for w&t but the why eluded me. Other sources say make the ds at the same stitch as for w&t. I seriously doubt I’ll ever do short rows where it makes a crucial difference. I find that making the ds in the stitch indicated works fine and I don’t give myself a brain implosion trying to work it out.