How to make U neck for a baby boy sweater?

Hi everyone

I am unable to understand the instructions of starting a neck for the baby boy sweater…i have started back with 50 str and now have to dec for sleeve and neck…kindly suggest…
also i want to keep the U neck in the front and just the sleeves on the back…
can you plz suggest as me being newbie…


Shape Neck:
On next Right Side (or knit) row, knit 22 stitches and
slip these stitches to a holder (left shoulder stitches).
Knit the next 16 stitches and slip these to another
holder (front neck stitches), knit to end.

Shape Right Neck edge/shoulder:
Row 1: Purl
Row 2: Knit 1, ssk, knit to end.
Repeat these two rows until 17 stitches remain.
Continue in stockinette on these 17 stitches until piece
measures 11 inches from cast on edge. Slip stitches to aholder.

Shape Left Neck edge/shoulder:
Pick up left shoulder stitches from holder. Join yarn to
begin with a purl row.
Row 1: Purl.
Row 2: Knit to last three stitches, k2tog, knit 1.
Repeat these two rows until 17 stitches remain.
Continue in stockinette on these 17 stitches until piece
measures 11 inches, ending with a knit row.
Shape Shoulder Button Band:
On next Wrong Side row, knit.
Next row: K5, YO, k2tog, K4, YO, K2tog, K4.
Continue in garter stitch until you have worked a total
of two ridges. Bind off on wrong side.

At this point in the pattern, you’ll be working the sides separately with their own strand of yarn.

The only stitches you’ll be working now will be the 22 for the right side and shoulder of the sweater. The 16 stitches on the holder will be the bottom edge of the neck hole, and as you work up to the shoulder on each side of this you decrease on the inside, neck, edge to create the U shape.

After you complete the right side of the sweater, you’ll work the left side according to the second set of directions

After each side is done, you’ll probably pick up stitches all around the neck edge, including the ones on the holder, to add finishing edge.

Follow each set of instructions step by step, it may help if you copy and paste them into a file and put each one on a separate line, like this:

"On next Right Side (or knit) row, knit 22 stitches and slip these stitches to a holder (left shoulder stitches). " - just do that.

"Knit the next 16 stitches and slip these to another holder (front neck stitches), knit to end. " - do what it says.

Okay, so now you’re just going to work on the last 22 sts and ignore the center sts and the ones for the other shoulder.

Row 1: Purl - purl across 16 sts

Row 2: Knit 1, ssk, knit to end. - k1 and dec, then knit the rest

Repeat these two rows until 17 stitches remain. - keep purling on the WS and k1, dec, k the rest of the sts until there’s 17.

Continue in stockinette on these 17 stitches until piece measures 11 inches from cast on edge. Slip stitches to a holder." = Knit and purl these 17 sts until the whole piece is 11" long, then put those sts on a holder.

However, I see a problem - you say you have 50 sts but I think you should have 60 because 22 +16 + 22 = 60. So count your sts again and see what you’ve got, these instructions won’t work with 50 which may be why you’re having a problem.

Hi Suzeeq thanks a lot for ur explanation …u made it easier to understand…
actually that sweater measurements are for 6-12 months baby…and i reduced it to 50 str because i wanted it for 0-6 months old…so can i divide 50 str to 20-10-20 ?

Hi Ingrid

Thanks …that was clear explanation…so once i complete rs and ls , do i need to put all the stitches from three holders and stitch the neck band or close all the stitches and later pick up the str and make the neck band?

Hope i explained it right…

I think it would be better to divide it 18-14-18. It will be closer to 22-16-22sts in proportion.


Now that i have made the neck …how do i close the shoulder strings?
i mean can u tell the pattern please…

It says to put them on a holder. Look at your pattern and see what they tell you to do with them after both sides and the back are done.

When shoulder stitches are on a holder, you usually work a 3-needle bind-off for seaming them together. Actually, even when they tell you to bind off the shoulder stitches and sew them together, you should [I]still[/I] do a 3-needle bind-off. It makes an absolutely wonderful seam.

You can find directions in Amy’s videos, or your pattern will tell you how (assuming that it is calling for it).

Leave the sts on holders for now; look ahead under finishing instructions and it’ll say what you do with them.


can someone please explain this for back of the sweater…

Cast on 54 sts. Work Garter Stitch (knit every row) for
1 1/2 inches (6 ridges). Increase 6 stitches evenly
spaced (in this case, you would (K8, M1) 6 times, knit
to end). Work Stockinette Stitch (knit one row, purl
one row) until piece measures 11 inches from cast on
Shape Shoulder Button Band:
On the next Wrong Side (or purl) row, Knit 14 sts,
turn. Knit to end of row, turn. Continue to work
Garter Stitch on these 14 stitches until you have 2
ridges. Bind off only these 14 sts on the wrong side.

my question is before making the the 2 ridges for button band do i have to take the remaining strs in the middle and bind off?

No. leave those sts on the needle. You’ll get back to them after you bind off the 14sts for the button band