This happened to me, too. I had my entire cabled pullover all seamed and everything…and then noticed a mis-crossed cable a few inches up from the cast on edge…yeah, very very visible.
Bah! Fixing that cable would amount to hours of work.
So this is what I did:
Using the lazy daisy embroidery stitch, I re-crossed the cable (it was a 2x2 cable…two crossing over two) using the lazy daisy stitch to redirect the lean of the two stitches. The lazy daisy stitches were essentially ‘duplicate stitches’ over top.
Here is a photo of the ‘re-crossed’ cable:
Where my pencil is pointing indicates the two rows of lazy daisy, each row being two lazy daisy stitches.
Here is what exactly what I wrote in my notes for this sweater (re: the mis-crossed cable):
“The 4th photo shows my remedy for a mis-crossed cable discovered after the sweater was all seamed…it was supposed to lean left (as shown by the pencil) but I mistakenly leaned it to the right. I corrected the mis-crossed cable by “masking it” with “lazy-daisy” duplicate stitches over the top, in essence, making a bridge over the mis-crossed stitches. As you know, lazy-daisy stitches, if done right, greatly resemble the shape and look of stocking stitches. Anyway, it worked. Saved the day! The mis-cross is (was) in the cuff, and looked hideous.”
Click hereto see the sweater and my notes.
[B]It wouldn’t hurt a thing to try my remedy. [/B] The worst case scenario is: you won’t like the results…and you still have 3 choices open to you: living with the mistake, or fixing it the way the videos show, or frogging down to the mistake and re-knitting.
I have used this little lazy daisy “fix” a couple other times, too. Just can’t remember. I took photos for the fix on the red sweater cuz I was so horrified at my error…the thought of fixing it was so horrifying…and I felt wonderful that my little fix actually worked! And I’m very pleased with the results. [B]And it just took minutes! [/B]
Tip: when working the lazy daisy, don’t pull the loops too tight.
Here is a photo showing the conformation of the lazy daisy stitch, even though the lazy daisy is usually used to create the petals of a daisy:
The lady calls it ‘CHAIN STITCH’:
And this is exactly what I did to fix my mis-crossed cable, using
two rows of chain stitch, two stitches each…total of 4 stitches.