I am following the instructions in the Loom Knitting Primer for the Garter Stitch Hat and now that I am at the part where I decrease and close the crown I am very confused! It says,
"Divide the stitches on the loom into 4 groups of 9 stitches. Each group will be worked separately.
Row 1: Move the first stitch at the end of this wedge over to the 2nd peg. Knit all the stitches. Knit 2 oever 1 on the end pegs.
Row 2: Purl. Repeat rows 1-2 until you have only 1 stitch left ont he wedge. Break yarn leaving a 14 in tail. Place the last stitch remaining from the wedge on a stitch holder. Attach yarn at the first peg of the next wedge to be worked and repeat wedge instructions."
CAN ANYBODY TELL ME WHAT THEY MEAN BY “WEDGE?” Also, “Knit 2 over 1 on the end pegs?” If someone could better explain this in new knitter terms that would be great! Thanks so much! I REALLY want to complete my hat!