How to correct ( rip out and correct this. Is there a way to rip out a section?

I am trying to correct this mistake …Pattern is Tesoro sweater by Knitatude. Working presently on CO 164 sts. US 6
needles. R1: *K1P1 repeat until end of round
Repeat R1, until your piece is 11" in length.

As seen the stitch pattern in the section is incorrect.
How should I go about correcting it?
Thank you very any assistance you provide. :blush:

Better to fix this stitch by stitch than as a section. You can knit over to the first column of sts with a mistake and drop that single stitch off the needle, letting it ladder down. Then you can repair the incorrect stitch with a crochet hook or your knitting needles. This is a nice video for that.

Then you can move on to the next stitch that needs fixing. I find it easier to fix from the knit side so you could turn your work to the other side to make the repair.
An alternative is to tink back a round or two and reknit the rows closest to the current row.
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It might be worth counting the stitches in that section and checking that you have the correct number. It’s easy to add extra yarn overs in rib by accident and that can throw out the sequence if you’re distracted or watching TV!
If that’s the case, it’s worth tinking back two rows rather than reforming the existing stitches as you may be left with some extra slack / looser tension in that section.

Extra slack from a YO can be shifted into the stitches on either side, by tugging on the sides of the stitches. I use a straight cable needle for this. The extra slack usually disappears after I’ve gone 5 or 6 stitches over. Is it less tedious than tinking 2 rows? Depends on you, your mood, the yarn…

Agree, and the sweater style. This looks like a fitted sweater and can look lumpy if you hide the slack by twisting an extra loop, or irregular if the slack works out, especially if there’s more than one stitch. I have often ploughed on, saving a minor delay, only to regret it later! :rofl::rofl:

Thank you these are all very good points and I am grateful that this forum is available. It’s invaluable!
The support and quick responses are appreciated.

(I don’t watch television):blush:

But listen to audio books while knitting, yes, it can be distracting. :heart:

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